Lifetime and Estate-Related Giving

Gifts during lifetime or through estate-related means for endowment that are valued at $10,000 or more may be identified with the donor’s name or with the names of individuals whom the donor wishes to honor or memorialize.  Endowed funds may be designated for specific uses by the Virginia Council of Churches or may be given without restrictions on their purposes and uses.  An important aspect of an endowed gift is its perpetuity, for it is the income from the gift rather than the gift itself that is used.  An endowed gift continues giving indefinitely.  A partial listing of potential named endowed funds may be found in the appendices.

Those who make significant contributions in support of the Virginia Council of Churches are rewarded in perpetuity through the lives of the people their giving touches.  However, VCC wishes to recognize such gifts in a more visible way.  Lifetime major gifts will be recognized by the placing of the donors or those who are being honored on a commemorative plaque within in the VCC offices.  In addition, these names will be listed in perpetuity in the VCC Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors.